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Our Current Projects


The project we are currently working on

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​Stand FM


We speak freely about what we think, and

upload them loosely


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​ (in preparation)


Bible message collection

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A Garden


In the new-age cultivation method of aquaponics, we glimpse a microcosm of the ecosystem in the Garden of Eden.


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Consider the debris flow that hit Atami City in July this year.


Detailed link
(in preparation)

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Thinking about

​Creative Expression


4000 Years ago,

​Considers of creative expression of Christians in terms of 

the wells dug by Abraham

in Beersheba and

the willow tree planted


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​I: Atami City Debris Flow Edition

​ Think about God's tricks and the work of man while making a glowing mud dumpling

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​ Shining mud dumplings and cracked mud dumplings

​ Think about the future of God's family in Chapter 2 of Korona-ka
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​Ⅱ: Corona vaccine edition

Detailed link
​ (in preparation)

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Image by Al Soot

Where the longing is
to be found

As Corona continues its onslaught across the globe, 

In the midst of that oppression and suffocation. How can one rest in the grace of the Lord, look up to heaven and attain an attitude of waiting for the Second Coming?


Trying to put it into practice in relation to greenery


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